Identifying Acne & Treatments With Long-Lasting Results

Being 13 or 30, having acne can really impact your self esteem. So many people are frustrated, overwhelmed, and feeling hopeless with the process of trying to get rid of their acne. They are tired of trying various topical and oral prescriptions that leave their skin feeling tight and irritated, trying over the counter products that don’t deliver results: that’s why we’re here! Understanding acne, what causes it and how to prevent it, can deliver the clear skin results that you are looking for!

The main goals of long-lasting acne treatments 

As you are most likely aware, there are many products that claim to provide solutions to acne available on the market, but what causes some products to work and not others? To start, we’re going to go over what causes acne and how some of these products and treatments approach outbreaks.

Inhibiting sebum production and creating a clean slate to work with

On the microscopic level, acne is an inherited condition of the pores. All healthy skin sheds skin cells. Acne prone clients skin sheds these dead skin cells quicker than normal and those dead skin cells get trapped inside the pore. This causes congestion in the skin and leads to various forms of acne. In order to prevent this from happening, the most effective treatments attempt to focus on clearing the pores from the inside out to treat and prevent acne.

Limiting bacterial growth to rid the skin of impurities

Another large factor in the formation of acne is bacteria. Believe it or not, every one of us has acne-causing bacteria on our skin. It’s simply the variety of bacteria and the amount of it that influences outbreaks of acne. 

Regeneration of new skin cells 

Insufficient cell turnover also results in breakouts. When your skin cells do not regenerate appropriately, the dead skin remains intact on your face, resulting in clogged follicles. In order to combat this, ingredients that clean the pore from the inside out, such as benzoyl peroxide, are utilized in the more effective acne treatments.

Types of acne you may encounter as your body changes 

In addition to the physical causation of acne, we also have different types of breakouts that can affect you as your body changes. Acne is more than just those annoying white heads that you’ve had since puberty.

A mixture of classic whiteheads and blackheads

Everyone has had experience with these breakouts. Both whiteheads and blackheads affect individuals regardless of age, race, or gender and are arguably the most sought after for treatment.

Pimples: the classic breakout that you remember from high school 

Pimples, similar to whiteheads, result in the same congestion of your pore, but are a little different in terms of size and color. The main difference is the lack of white bacteria that shows through on the surface of your skin. If you have a breakout that consists of a cluster of red bumps, you most likely have a breakout of pimples.

Nodules and cysts, one of the more challenging acne conditions 

Did you know that cysts are considered acne? So are nodules! Both of these conditions pose a challenge to get rid of. Topically, these two formations may appear similar, but a cyst contains liquid beneath the surface of the skin, whereas nodules are more likely to be filled with solid matter. These types of acne may require treatment from a dermatologist to remove and are likely to cause scarring.

acne bootcamp

How Acne Bootcamp and regular facials can help alleviate painful acne while preventing and treating scarring

Thankfully, if you struggle with any of these skin conditions, there are options! Not only are amazing home care products available that can treat and prevent acne, but your esthetician can map out a series of facials or chemical peels to keep your skin happy, blemish free, and reduce the risk of scarring. 

A regimen with products specifically formulated for your skin and acne type 

As we established earlier, there can be a few different reasons why your body is struggling to get rid of acne. A professional esthetician can analyze your skin and create a regimen of products specifically designed to tackle the root causes of your acne outbreak. These products will be formulated for your skin and acne type, getting rid of the need to try countless products hoping one will eventually work and feeling overwhelmed and defeated in the process.

Acne Bootcamp is a program touting a success rate of over 90%! If you’re serious about getting rid of your acne for good, this customized program, with help from your esthetician, will absolutely help you regain clear, healthy skin, and new found confidence!

A nutrient-dense diet with supplements and necessary medications to address and alleviate acne symptoms 

During your consultation and throughout treatment, we discuss other factors that affect your skin health. Everything from potential diet changes to necessary supplements will be covered to alleviate and help prevent your symptoms. 

Lifestyle changes and the support you need to conquer your acne once and for all

Lastly, lifestyle, medications, and homecare products will be discussed to make sure you’re getting the most care for your skin. Not only will we guide you along what changes need to be made, but we will also educate and encourage you through every step of the way! 

With Amy Danielle Beauty, clear skin is just one consultation away

Acne can truly leave you feeling overwhelmed. Don't settle for less – get the clear, beautiful skin you’ve dreamed of. Here at Amy Danielle Beauty, we know how debilitating acne can be and we want nothing more than to bring out your best, most confident self. We have helped so many of our clients achieve clear skin and we want to help you do the same by educating and guiding you along our proven process. Call or book online today for your next skincare treatment or lash service today! 


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